The Civil Aviation Act 1982, defines an aerodrome as an area of land or water designed, equipped, set apart or commonly used for affording facilities for the landing and departure of aircraft and includes any area or space, whether on the ground, on the roof of a building or elsewhere. Lighting can endanger aircraft if the intensity causes glare in the direction of an approaching aircraft; the colour of light source being mistaken for an aeronautical light if viewed from the air, lights make a pattern (e.g. a row of street lights) similar to an approach or runway lighting pattern and overall amount of illumination close to the approach to a runway detracts from the effectiveness of the visual aids provided by the aerodrome for use by aircraft, particularly in poor visibility conditions.
Lighting Adjacent to Aerodromes
in airspace on approach to runway, low height lighting poles are installed to give aircraft additional clearance, and poles are of glass fibre construction as frangible in event of collision with an aircraft.